Fentanyl Patch ON and Patch OFF Orders - Nursing

Submitted by 20026217 on Wed, 03/11/2021 - 09:22

Orders for fentanyl patches will be converted to PATCH ON and PATCH OFF tasks within eMM.

Two individual orders will appear on the MAR to document patch administration and removal.

MAR task

The PATCH OFF task should sit 72 hours after the PATCH ON task. If this is not the case, the PATCH OFF task may be rescheduled. Right-click on the PATCH OFF order and select Reschedule Admin Times. Adjust the date and time accordingly.

Reschedule MAR task

The administration of fentanyl patches remains unchanged.

MAR administration

The PATCH OFF task is to be used to document the removal of the fentanyl patch. The Performed date/ time should reflect the time of the patch removal. A witness may be added if required.

MAR removal