Heparin Infusion - Prescribing (CHW)

Submitted by 60064455 on Mon, 12/02/2024 - 13:58

Heparin Infusion Powerplans

Heparin infusions are ordered as a pre-built Powerplan.  

This enables you to order the loading dose and maintenance infusion in the same order.  

CHW uses commercially pre-made heparin solutions for all wards (outside of PICU/Grace and ED). 

NOTE: PICU and Grace have specific local guidelines


There is no longer a need to work out how many thousands of units of heparin to load into normal saline bags to make the required heparin solutions - saving time, reducing drug errors and improving patient safety.  


Please read the CHW - Heparin Infusion policy before charting heparin infusions:


Please contact the Haematology registrar if you have any questions.


Ordering Heparin Infusions

Search for Heparin - Anticoagulation Powerplan 

Heparin Infusion search in orders








Order loading dose:

  • select either 100 units/kg OR 50 units/kg loading dose 

Order maintenance (continuous) infusion:

  • Heparin solutions at a concentration of 50 units/mL are available in 500mL bags OR 50mL syringes
    • Heparin 25,000 units in 500mL of 0.9% normal saline (bag)
    • Heparin 2,500 units in 50mL of 0.9% normal saline (syringe)
  • Check the preferred option with nursing staff

Heparin Infusion Powerplan














Check that the 'Anti Xa Unfracitonated' level is ordered for an appropriate time 

heparin infusion order to be signed












Rate changes can be performed by 'Modifying the "normalised Rate"' of the order on the eMR Medication List

completed powerplan view






Special patient populations

For populations with strict fluid restrictions (such as small infants), a more concentrated heparin solution (100 units/mL in 0.9% sodium chloride) is available and may be more appropriate.  This infusion cannot be ordered through the above power plan and must be selected from the 'Orders' box in eMR.  Please liaise with pharmacy to obtain supply. 


