
Enter Monitored Values Manually in Anaesthesia

Bedside patient monitoring values can be manually entered onto anaesthesia record if not collected automatically for accurate charting. Select a time from the displayed time line and double click to…

Anaesthesia View - Customising Document Launcher

The Document Launcher widget in Anaesthesia View can be customised to provide quick access in one click to commonly used documentation and forms such as; writing your daily progress notes and the Pre…

Pre-operative and Post-operative Inpatient Orders PowerPlan (Anaesthetists)

The pre-operative and post-operative inpatient orders PowerPlans are designed for anaesthetists to order pre and/ or post-operative medications without having to search for each medication one by one…

Anaesthesia - Using Existing Pre-Anaesthesia Evaluations as Templates

For patients who have frequent anaesthesia, it is possible to copy one of the patient's previously completed Pre-Anaesthesia Evaluations, modify it and sign/submit. Open the patient’s chart  Click…