
Alerts - Add and Remove

This QuickStart uses the example of a patient enrolled in a clinical trial. To add and alert From the patient’s chart, open Problems, Alerts and Diagnoses   Click onto the + Add under the…

FirstNet - ED Depart Process SCH

Highlight the patient from Tracking Board. Click Depart Process icon on the tool bar.   The Depart Process window will open. Diagnosis and Departure Ready Time are mandatory fields. If either or…

Management Plans - Asthma Action Plan

Add a new Asthma Action Plan Click on Management Plans in the Menu.           Click on the link Asthma Action Plan under Add a New Management Plan           The Asthma Action Plan for Children…

Management Plans - Adding/Modify/Remove

The Management Plans page displays all electronic management plans (eMP) in one place, with ease of access to the latest version.  In the SCHN eMR there are two formats of an eMP; dynamic…

Clinical Notes - Uploading a PDF/Scanned Document or Video/Audio file

Uploading a PDF to PowerChart Note - Before uploading a PDF/scanned document on a patient's chart, ensure you choose the appropriate encounter that matches your Facility, Location, Medical Service…


HealtheNet provides NSW Health clinicians with immediate access to up-to-date information about their patient's health history from across all NSW Local Health Districts (LHDs) and the My Health…

Patient List - Creating a Custom List

Custom List allows the user to create a personal patient list that they can add and remove patients as they wish. An example of this could be to create for a Custom List for a specific disease or a…

Dynamic Worklist

Click Dynamic Worklist in the top Tool Bar Create a WorkList by selecting Create List from the List Actions drop down menu. The create new work list screen opens   In the Worklist type tab…

Care Type Change Requests via PowerChart

'Care Type' refers to the nature of a clinical service provided to an admitted patient during an episode of admitted patient care. Correct assignment of care type for admitted patient episodes is…

Renew Prescription or Change Dose

To renew a prescription (e.g. when the patient has run out of repeats) or change the dose of a prescription, you can use the Renew function. The Renew function keeps a record of previous order so it…

Prescriptions in Future Order PowerPlans

CHW has approval to generate printed prescriptions for dispensing.  It is a legal requirement that all printed prescriptions must be signed by the prescriber. Schedule 8 prescriptions also require…

Prescribing Medication – S100

NSW Health has approval to generate printed S100 prescriptions for dispensing.  It is a legal requirement that all printed prescriptions must be signed by the prescriber. Discharge prescriptions…

Prescribing Medication – PBS

NSW Health has approval to generate printed PBS prescriptions for dispensing for privately referred, non-admitted patients.  It is a legal requirement that all printed prescriptions must be signed by…

Prescribing Medications – Public Outpatient

NSW Health has approval to generate printed prescriptions for dispensing.  It is a legal requirement that all printed prescriptions must be signed by the prescriber, and Schedule 8 prescriptions also…

Patient Eligibility For PBS Prescriptions

These are the conditions that must be satisfied in order for a patient to be considered a “privately referred non inpatient”: The referral must be to the Medical Practitioner by name, not to the…

How to Order Green PBS Prescription Stationery

You can find information regarding how to order PBS computer prescription stationery online at: → Health Professionals → Forms → Forms by title and select the relevant order…

Discharge Prescriptions Using Reconciliation

NSW Health has approval to generate printed prescriptions for dispensing.  It is a legal requirement that all printed prescriptions must be signed by the prescriber. Schedule 8 prescriptions also…

Changing Encounters from within a Patients' chart

To choose a different encounter for a patient from within the patients' chart: Click on the Location from the blue banner.   Select the relevant encounter.   Click OK.

Patient List - Creating for patients admitted under you (for Admitting Medical Officers)

If you are an Admitting Medical Officer, you can create a list of patients currently admitted under you. Once you have set this list up for yourself you can share it other staff members (see QS:…

Patient List - Creating based on a Provider Group

This set up will display the current patients admitted under a medical team/ surgical team Click Patient List from the toolbar in Power Chart From Patient List, select List Maintenance Click…