eMM - IV Fluids PowerPlan

Submitted by 60032309 on Wed, 12/09/2018 - 15:37

The most common IV fluids for Maintenance, Replacement Therapy and Resuscitation have been grouped into the IV Fluids PowerPlan. This makes it easier to pick the right fluid and input the recommended rate. 

  1. Click +Add Orders button from the menu
    add orders button


  2. The Add Order screen opens. Search for IV Fluids.

  3. Select the IV Fluids PowerPlan. A Powerplan is represented by the yellow icon powerplan icon

  4. Click Done

    search iv fluid powerplan


  5. The IV Fluid PowerPlan window opens.

  6. Tick the required fluid. If the IV solution you want is not listed in the PowerPlan, type the infusion name into the search window from Step 2. Select the infusion and proceed with the below steps.

  7. Click Orders For Signature

    select order from powerplan


  8. A Rate Recommendation window appears for children over 28 days who have their valid dosing weight documented.
    The suggested rate for the patient is displayed in the last line.

  9. After confirming the suggested calculation is appropriate, click OK

    rate recommendation window


  10. The blue circle with the white cross indicates that order details are missing.
    Click on the order to add or change order details if required. Yellow fields are mandatory

  11. Enter the required rate in ml/hr. Press Enter. The infuse time is calculated automatically.
    For fluids with a protocol, refer to Infusion Instructions to calculate the rate.

    fluid order details

  12. From the Details tab, multiple bags can be ordered by selecting an option from the Order Review After field. The maximum number of bags for one order is six.

    NOTE: The option: As per protocol, can only be selected for fluids with a protocol.

  13. Click Sign and enter Password.

  14. Click on MAR Summary from the Menu to check your orders.
    mar summary page
    The MAR displays the ordered Continuous Infusion with its administration times.
    mar page
