
Pharmacy - i.Pharmacy - CHW - Borrow/Lend

The Borrow/Lend function allows for the recording of items that are borrowed from other organisations and/or lent to other organisations. Borrow/Lend Access this area by choosing Inventory → Borrow…

Pharmacy - ADC – Medication Restock

Performing a Restock 1. Log into the cabinet with your fingerprint or User ID. 2. Press Normal Restock. 3. Select the appropriate line to begin restocking. 4. Scan the item you would like…

Pharmacy - ADC - Imprest File Upload

Select Windows Explorer on the Application Launcher Window Select U drive (located on the bottom left of screen) Highlight the file for your ADC (e.g PICU – UDPReg-Restock …) AND request.flg file…

Pharmacy – UDP – Filling the Yuyama Litrea III

Regular canisters 1.    Ensure the machine is turned on and the computer connected to the Yuyama Litrea III has JSD.NET running 2.    Scan the barcode using the built in barcode scanner. The…

Pharmacy - UDP – Tablets and capsules in regular canisters

     1. Log into and create a new manufacturing work sheet for the product(s) you will be manufacturing.                     a. Ensure Style is Re-Pack when making the batch sheet…

Medication History Snapshot

Medication History Snapshot is a useful tool that gives an overview of how a patient’s medications have changed over a period of time. From Orders, Select Medication History Snapshot\ Or access…

PBS (all)

A list of all PBS related articles (hyperlinks) PBS Prescriptions Prescribing Medication – PBS How to Order Green PBS Prescription Stationery PBS and S100 Codes and Paper…

eMM Pharmacy Care Organiser

The Pharmacy Care Organiser is an overview of pending pharmacist-related activities. To use: Select Pharmacy Care Organiser from the toolbar   Choose between patient lists using the drop down…

Pharmacy - Admission Note

For comprehensive medication management planning and documentation for complex patients, you may wish to use the Pharmacy Admission workflow to help create the Pharmacy Admission Note. This tool has…

Medication Manager - Pharmacy Clinical Interventions

A Clinical Intervention is used to document clinical activities undertaken either for individual medication orders or for the patient.  Interventions added for a specific medication order Click…

ADC - Return Accountable Medications

Return Accountable Medications These instructions are for accountable medications which have NOT been partially wasted. If required to return intact and reusable accountable medications which have…

ADC - Destroying Damaged or Expired Accountable Medications

Note: RN and pharmacy to destroy together. Report on IIMS Inform pharmacist and Nurse Manager Log into the cabinet with fingerprint or User ID     4.  Find and select Destroyed by, Pharmacy on…