Pharmacy - CSM - Ward Requisitions (ADC Wards)

Submitted by 60163743 on Thu, 24/12/2020 - 11:38

1. Perform a distribution in i.Pharmacy using the file generated from the ward ADCs

2. Log into the CSM using fingerprint scanner or username and password.


3. Select Dispesne/Return -> Cabinet Restock. The number indicates how many ADCs are awaiting action.


4. Select the ADC on the ward to restock.
    i. Note the Restock ID and the date/time the restock was generated.

5. Select the cabinet for restock and review the items to be picked. Uncheck items to be picked if necessary (e.g. out of stock).
Select Pick.


6. Follow the instructions on the screen to guide you to the locations where the medication is stocked. Push on the flashing lights or open the flashing drawer when indicated to stock the item.


7. Have a witness scan their fingerprint or enter their username and password to proceed.
    i. If on call or no witness is present, use the temporary witness account and inform management.

8. Perform a count of the quantity of medication in the CSM prior to restocking. 
Press Ok to confirm the quantity.


9. Scan the barcode of the item being picked to confirm it is the correct item.


10. Confirm the quantity being removed from the CSM matches the quantity on the screen.
    i. If a lesser quantity is removed, adjust accordingly. Click Continue until all items are picked from the CSM and bagged.


11. A Cabinet Restock Delivery Summary will be generated to match the items being picked. If required, adjust the in progress i.Pharmacy distribution to match the numbers on this sheet. Supply the items in i.Pharmacy and then place it into the bag for nursing staff to sign when collecting the medications.

12. Label the bag with the designated ward and place the bag into the pharmacy safe for collection.